I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5 NIV
My favorite trees growing up are banyan trees. Today its the Norway Maple but that’s a totally different story. If you don’t know what a Banyan tree looks like go ahead and look up some pictures. They are so awesome! The reason I love them so much is because they provide so many things to do. They create the perfect hand and footholds for climbing, they have vines that grow far out on their branches and if the vine is strong enough you can swing on them. They provide excellent shade and they are impressive to look at. I love the Banyan tree. I love it because it also reminds me of something Jesus said. In the book of John, Jesus says “I am the vine, you are the branches.” John 15:5 When Jesus says this I can’t help but think of the Banyan tree and its massive branches and its never-ending system of vines. But what does it really mean for Jesus to be the vine and for us to be the branches? Let’s put on our botanist hats and dig in!
Okay right off the bat let me clarify something. A banyan tree does not have vines. The things I referred to as vines earlier are in fact those are roots! Go back and look at those photos and see if you can find any where the roots are really thin most likely near the bottom. It almost looks like hair. These roots grow everywhere! This unique root system is what allows the Banyan tree to grow so big. Can you imagine such an awesome root system supporting us? Well, you don’t have to think too hard about it because Jesus describes exactly what that would do. Right after calling himself the vine and us the branches he explains, If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5b If we accept Jesus as our life support he says that we will “bear much fruit”. Doesn’t that sound awesome?
Christ had a pretty good knowledge of what it means to grow something. In fact the very first characteristic of God that the bible shows us is God the creator when he made the earth and the Garden of Eden. John 1:1-3 John tells us, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him, nothing was made that has been made.” John is speaking about Jesus being the creator of all things. If anyone knows how to grow something to be strong and fruitful it's Jesus.
So what does that mean for you? It means that you too can grow! Christ is actively trying to help you grow in him. He tells us that he wants us to abide in him just as a branch abides in the vine. The vine is the source of life and only through that source can the branch live. The best way to abide in Christ is in a relationship with him. Like any relationship you must spend time, time praying, time in his word, and time doing what he asks.
The Banyan tree is an impressive tree and growing up I found myself in awe of how massive and complex it was. I would climb them to the highest point and still have so much to explore. I found that at every point a root shot down and was placed firmly in the ground the branch I was on was sturdy. Sometimes I would go out on a branch where the root had not developed into the ground the branch would sag under my weight. Jesus is looking to root you in him. Root in Christ the winds will blow and the storms will rage but we will stand firm with the true vine giving us life.
Do you want to be connected to the vines? Christ is offering you his love that will firmly plant you in to the source of all life. He has promised to love you just as the father loves him “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love” John 15:9. Jesus wants you to grow with him and he wants to be your source of life. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to accept his love why not do it right now? What’s stopping you? You can live the life full of the fruits that God has promised us when we are connected to the true vine, Jesus.
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