Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.
Have you ever tried to memorize Scripture? As a kid, I had memory verses at school and at church. They were never easy for me. I vividly remember going over the same passage again and again—always making a mistake. Now that I’m older, I regret not putting in more effort. Being able to recall Scripture is incredibly powerful and can be such a helpful tool in times of need. Sure, today we can quickly Google a verse, but there’s something special about being able to recall it from memory—to know it in your heart. I’m curious: what has your experience been with Scripture memorization? The Bible is an amazing resource for our lives. Over the past few months, a group of middle and high school students from our church have been discovering just how true that is. I wonder—can we learn something from their experience? Let’s find out!
The Littleton Lights Pathfinder Club was recently restarted after several years of inactivity. It’s now an all-new group with new leadership, new aspirations, and fresh goals. Pathfinders is a well-rounded ministry—kids learn everything from how to tie knots and play sports to earning honors through creative and technical pursuits. What makes Pathfinders truly special is that each experience is designed to help members grow closer in their relationship with Jesus. This year, six members took on a bold challenge: to compete in the Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE) , a Bible memorization competition.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Memorizing Bible verses in small chunks can be fun. But what these six individuals set out to do was something far greater. Together, they aimed to memorize the entire books of Romans and 1 Corinthians—32 chapters in total. Each member was responsible for memorizing at least five chapters. They quickly discovered that it wouldn’t happen overnight. They experimented with different memorization methods and learned to work patiently toward their goal.
Week after week, they studied. And over time, they realized they actually knew it! It reminds me of how close we sometimes are to our goals when we feel like giving up. Our faith journeys can feel the same way. We work hard, expect results, and when progress isn’t obvious, it’s tempting to quit. Don’t give up. It’s so easy to slip from dedication to complacency.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
The PBE team had their first competition in February, going up against other local clubs. To move forward, they needed to score in the 90th percentile. Ninety questions were asked, and after hours of intense focus, they were exhausted. As they waited for the results, you could see the tension. They didn’t feel relieved just yet. Watching from the outside, I felt something different. I knew that the skills they had developed—the knowledge, the discipline, and the time spent in God’s Word—would serve them for years to come. But often, we want immediate results. We want to understand the purpose of our struggles right away.
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
The Littleton Lights PBE team made it! It was announced that they would move on to the next level. Their months of hard work had paid off—but their journey wasn’t over. The Bible tells us that God provides blessings, and the team received one that day. It wasn’t their first, and it wouldn’t be their last. They went on to compete again in the Rocky Mountain Conference, improving their score and earning a spot at the union-level competition—taking place this weekend in Minnesota.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
The PBE team experienced God’s Word in a deep and transformative way. Through the challenges they faced, they discovered that His Word is true. No matter the outcome of this weekend’s competition, they’ve already received a reward greater than any trophy. They’ve grown in knowledge, appreciation, and relationship with God.
I’m not saying you have to set out to memorize entire books of the Bible like these brave middle and high school students did—but I do think we can learn from their example. Sometimes we give up on reading Scripture. It can feel tedious, overwhelming, or even pointless. But as the PBE team discovered, when you dedicate yourself to knowing God through His Word—amazing things can happen.
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