For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6, NIV
Who are the people God has used to fan your spiritual life into flame? Mrs. Howard was my 8th grade teacher who spoke about Jesus as Someone she talked to every morning, and it made me want the same. Dora was one of the matriarchs of my childhood church who felt confident that my young voice could lead hymns for the Adult Sabbath School program once a month. Jason was one of the seniors in high school I looked up to when I was a freshman, and I can distinctly remember the moment he told me that God had big plans for me. Then my youth Sabbath School teacher Diane and youth pastor Steve used their positions of influence to actually entrust ministry responsibility to my peers and me. The investment of those older than me (even if not by much) spurred me on to grow a first-hand faith and love for ministry. Similarly, the apostle Paul received the same kind of mentorship in his early days of following Christ. But more than that, he was willing to give the gift of mentorship to many others. Paul wasn't just a powerful preacher to multitudes, but he also poured into younger believers individually to grow their faith. His example of intergenerational mentorship -- particularly in the life of Timothy -- is one worth following in our own pursuit of Spirit-filled community today.
To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 Timothy 1:2, NIV
Timothy is first mentioned by name in Acts 16:1 as a "certain disciple" from the area of Lystra who Paul wanted to have accompany him on his second missionary journey (v. 3). There was something about this young man and the positive reputation he had among the believers (v. 2) that motivated Paul to take him underwing. Over the course of time, it seems that the connection between Paul and Timothy grew to be more than just an effective, productive partnership between gospel workers. When Paul wrote to Timothy, he addressed the promising preacher as "my true son in the faith" (1 Tim. 1:2) and then again as his "dear son" (2 Tim. 1:2).
In other words, Timothy was more than a project to Paul.
Timothy was someone he felt a deep bond with in Christ, someone he viewed as family. As we give our attention to the "Timothys" in our life, we can do the same. When those younger in years or spiritual experience feel like they're one of many to-do's on our list or a project we're working on, they'll likely draw back because they're looking for warmth and connection. Through shared experiences and an eye to understand and support those we're mentoring, let's embrace them as part of our own family and be willing to verbalize how dear they are too us.
I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. 2 Timothy 1:3, NIV
Through all their missionary activities together, it's evident that Paul spent much time praying pray with Timothy, even laying his hands upon him (v. 6) as a physical expression of favor and empowerment. But beyond the times Paul could be personally present with Timothy, Paul was faithful to intercede for the young man's well-being, not just every now and then as it was convenient, but "without ceasing...night and day" (v. 3, NKJV). In the same way, we can be faithful to remember in prayer those we're investing in. When we commit to regular, fervent prayer for the Timothys in our life, it will strengthen our connection with them and also our dependence upon God, acknowledging that the growth we long to see in their lives is the result of God's power and not his own.
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1:5, NIV
The opening lines of Paul's second letter to Timothy are overflowing with affirmation for the young disciple's genuine faith (v. 5) and gifts for ministry (v. 6). When we pour into others, we can speak life-giving words of validation -- specifically about the sincerity of their relationship with God and their ministry for God. When we converse with the "youngers" God puts in our lives, let's pay special attention to how they're cultivating a relationship of trust in God and how they're demonstrating unique gifting for God's glory.
When we speak with a voice of affirmation, we can play a part in fanning that faith and gifting into a brighter, more enduring fire.
Interestingly, Paul's affirmation isn't just limited to affirming Timothy's own spiritual growth but even the spiritual experience of his surrounding family (particularly the way his family modeled genuine faith in his life). When we invest in intergenerational mentorships, we don't have to replace family influences but instead affirm them. In situations where one's family influences may have been more harmful than helpful, we may need to exercise some creativity to identify what we can affirm in the family environment, but even then, we don't need to pit ourselves in opposition to those who are closest to the one we're mentoring.
So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner.Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. 2 Timothy 1:8, NIV
Paul doesn't sugar coat life and gospel ministry for Timothy as if it's free from suffering. After all, being from the area of Lystra and Derbe, Timothy likely witnessed the Jewish opposition who stoned Paul in Lystra and left him for dead on his first missionary tour (Acts 14:19). With all that in his rear view mirror, Paul acknowledged the reality of his own hardships and even invited Timothy to be unafraid of sharing in them too. Why can we be unafraid to share in suffering?
- Because God doesn't give us "a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" (v. 7), and
- Because God has a holy calling (v. 9, NKJV) for us that is bigger than any trial we may face.
For someone who is young in years or young in spiritual maturity, hardships can stir fear or timidity in our walk with God, or make us second-guess whether God has saved us and called us. When we invest deeply in someone's growth, we can expect that the journey won't all be roses. Things will get hard. Things will get messy. But we don't have to ignore difficulties or pretend like we don't face our own share of suffering. Instead, be real with life's dark seasons and encourage our Timothys to face difficulties with confidence in the God who has given us every resource to overcome them and will keep fulfilling His own purpose through us.
So who is it that God wants you to pour into? Whether they are in your household or outside of it, whether they are younger in years or spiritual experience, let God use you to connect deeply, pray for them fervently, affirm abundantly, and walk together through life's struggles.
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