"And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe." John 14:29, NKJV
Giving my kids a simple "heads-up" about what to expect next has become a helpful tool in my parenting toolbox over the years. Just last night, as the kids were playing in the backyard, I opened the patio door and signaled that a change in activity was on the horizon: "In a few minutes, it'll be time to come in and help empty the dishwasher." It's a small thing, but it allows for periods of transition to feel intentional rather than like an interruption. When we're on family trips, a quick sneak peek of how we'll spend our time can build eager anticipation for what's ahead and also guard against the "I'm bored" syndrome. In whatever context, when I communicate about things ahead of time, it helps my kids feel more secure and less anxious. Ultimately, giving a "heads-up" is a way to build trust.
I think this is what motivated Jesus to share all He did that night before His arrest, trial, and eventual crucifixion. Things were about to get really bumpy for the disciples. Their routine would be disrupted in a way they never imagined. And in His tender mercy, Jesus gave His friends a "heads-up" so "that when it does come to pass, you may believe" (Jn 14:29). Did you catch that? When Jesus speaks with prophetic clarity about what lies ahead, He's leading His disciples in all ages to a greater belief, confidence, and trust in Him. That's the purpose of prophecy.
The same purpose can be discerned in Jesus' conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. In that exchange, the topic of conversation starts with Jesus' focus on the woman's personal need (Jn. 4:7-15) but then shifts to the woman's focus Jesus' prophetic gift (vv. 16-26). To be sure, the Samaritan woman was taken aback by Jesus' prophetic insight, but the Lord didn't share prophecy for mere shock value. He used it to draw her into an even deeper revelation: a revelation of Himself (v. 26). Prophecy doesn't stop at unveiling human histories and divine perspectives. Prophecy is intended to inspire trust in Jesus (v. 21).
Unfortunately for some, the "heads-up" given to us in the apocalyptic books of Daniel and Revelation have been more anxiety-producing than anxiety-relieving. That tends to happen when the study of prophecy becomes fixated on the rising beasts rather than the coming Bridegroom. Such a skewed approach to God's prophetic Word triggers fear rather than faith and fills our view of the future with more mystery than meaning. But this was never God's intent. The opening line of Revelation 1:1 tells us exactly what we're supposed to see in these prophecies: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ." Are there beasts? Yes. Are there plagues and judgments? Yes. But the real centerpiece of the apocalypse is Jesus Himself. We're supposed to see Jesus as...
- the merciful High Priest who walks in the midst of God's people (Rev. 1:13)
- the faithful Witness who knocks on our hearts' door (Rev. 3:20)
- the resurrected Lamb who is worthy to make life eternal available to all (Rev. 5:6-7)
- the constant victor over the dragon's destructive schemes (Rev. 12:7-9)
- the triumphant King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Rev. 19:16)
- the God who will soon wipe away every tear and make all things new (Rev. 21:4-5)!
Friends, if at first you feel discomforted by the things you study in prophecy, keep looking for the revelation of Jesus. When we fix our eyes on Him, we'll understand Paul's assertion that "he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men" (1 Cor. 14:3). Let's be the kind of people who receive the "heads-up" God gives us through His prophetic Word and who find refuge in a trusting relationship with Jesus until He comes again.
1 Comments on this post:
How appropriate and timely to emphasize the weighty revelation of relationships with Jesus to get us through the Apocalypse rather than the beasts. HOPE is solidified in our Christian walk as children anticipating the near and far future we’re guided by the fulfillment of what we have been told by the Scriptures so that we may believe… and believe yet again and again till His coming again when we will join Him in the clouds. Thank you Pastor for this wonderful message. To God be the Glory and Praise. Amen.